Geospatial Technologies and Real Estate

Did you know that geospatial technologies are changing the game when it comes to real estate? 4 ways GIS influences Real Estate GIS gives geological information! Did you know that GIS can depict what type of land a house is built on? This is super important for determining if a home is in a flood […]

GIS: The Indiana Jones of Tech

Who could forget Harrison Ford using an engraved scepter to identify the location of the (snake-laden) treasure trove in a hazy desert? That was the Hollywood version of geospatial technology. Imagine how much easier it would have been to find the lost ark if he could have used predictive modeling, remote-sensing technologies, and maybe even […]

Geospatial Intelligence

Geospatial Intelligence or GEOINT is information that is compiled from analyzing data and images that are linked to a specific location. GEOINT uses imagery to survey and assess human activity and physical geography anywhere on Earth. It is used to analyze the locations of billions of cell phone users, cars, ATM transactions and online activities. […]

Geographic Information System (GIS)

What is GIS? It is a digital tool that allows us to gather geographic information (spatial relationships, patterns, and data) and store, analyze and make a visual of that information for a better understanding of how to utilize land and resources in the most efficient way. It connects data and geography to It is used […]