Putting the “Art” in “Cartography”

“The blending of art and geospatial technology.” Man has had the desire to travel and discover since our inception. Call it manifest destiny or whatever you will, we are driven to explore. However, we can also get super lost, hence the need for us to chart and map where we’ve been and where we want […]

Business Spotlight: “History Flights”

“Using Geospatial Technology to Bring Them Home.” We’re delighted to shine a light on a non-profit organization doing big, wonderful things using geospatial technology. History Flights (www.historyflight.com) is focused on locating the remains of those brave men and women who may have been killed in action (KIA) or missing in action (MIA) overseas.  (cite: www.historyflight.com/story […]

Sci-Fi For Now

“The future isn’t as far off as you think.” Geospatial Technologies have always been crazy futuristic. However, it’s one of those fields that’s almost impossible to reign in as its applications are endless! As long as you’ve got an imagination, and a need, GeoTech is literally what science fiction is made of–for now. It’s becoming […]

The Name Is Mond. DangerMond.

“Jack Dangermond. The Godfather of Geospatial Tech.” We can’t make this up, readers. The man’s name is Jack Dangermond. It stands to reason that he was fated to do something incredible in life. Since we know his name at all, we’re pretty sure he didn’t enter into the life of being a secret spy or […]


“Predicting Financial Fortune Using Geospatial Tech“ What if we told you that geospatial technology could actually predict corporate sales, the stability of stock prices, and a whole other host of things? We’ve also got to mention the gray area of legalities concerning the distribution of that information to the highest bidders! It was shown that […]